I like the idea of this but a good idea for next would be to try adding pictures or maps of places so you have a better idea of where your going.
I like the idea of this but a good idea for next would be to try adding pictures or maps of places so you have a better idea of where your going.
What does this look like a RPG to you. you idiot.
This is a freakin movie not a Game.
Jezz if it was a Rpg game or any kinda game in that fact then DUh you would have gotten the map in the beginnning of the game you idiot.
YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It wasnt the worst thing iv seen but mabye try adding alittle more details. I like the intro with the wolf make movies with details like that.
It was different
The voices where well done and the style of the picture was different. I like the extras details. All in all it was not that bad.
Good work
I like how your animation is different and stands out. The song was good and the movement for the talking and singing was almost prefect. Good job, and keep making more animations
I have never really understood what the hell is with a clock in a movie. But I have to say, it was a good idea for the letter thingy and the details where also great. The story was new and great.
Im not sure how your goina make a game like this but good luck. If you do end up making this game for newgrounds, ill take back the crappy rating. Oh and I just think you need to come up with your own ideas. Not medal of honor
Will NG accept parody and i like it. by the way the game is made, and just need to add more levels